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Chats On English Earthenware


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SKU: COENE.1909.Hay.B Categories: , , Tag:

Arthur Hayden. An old but fascinating study of early English earthenware and stoneware. HB w. original paste-down image on front board. 496 pp. inc. 150 b/w pl. & colour frontis.. 145 x 207 mm. (1909) T. Fisher Unwin: London. Extensive foxing esp. on ffep and rfep. Minor wear on edges of boards & sp.



Key to Abbreviations Used: pp. = pages. pl. = plates (images). Ex-libris = ex-library
PB = paperback. HB = hard back. b/w = black & white. col. = colour.
d/j = dust jacket. inc. = including. ed. = edition. fep. = front end papers.
rep. = rear end papers. sp. = spine. frontis = image page at front before pagination

Weight 925 g