A baluster shape ‘mochaware’ pearlware jug with a blue slip ground over most of outer body. There are two bands of chequered (or checkered) rouletting with inlaid dark brown or black slip. The handle is fluted and has a leaf terminal at bottom only. The spout is plain moulded. There is virtually no foot. The base is shallow recessed turned. Covered with clear pearlware glaze which shows a blue tinge where it pools under the base.
The design is similar to a teapot I have listed separately which is marked “NEALE &Co”, however this decoration type, which is related to mocha ware (mochaware) or banded ware (i.e. industrial slip decorated ware), was made by many potteries in Britain. This jug is probably Staffordshire or Leeds.
Pot ID: AP/1715
Dimensions: 161 mm high to rim (the spout is higher but restored at tip).
Net Weight (grams): 488
Date: c.1790-1810.
Condition Report:
The tip of the spout (lip) is missing and has been poorly restored with filler. There is a hairline at bottom front which runs just above base edge (approx. 10cm) with a connected (from middle) four pronged hairline (spider or star crack) in the base directly below (but only three prongs show inside). Another faint three prong spider crack in base which does not penetrate to the inside.