Small creamware bachelor size teapot of unusual form. The turned foot has a band of large dot or egg rouletting, as does the top of the shoulder and outer rim of lid. The spout is press-moulded with a basket weave pattern and rudimentary leaves and a cordon at it’s base. The handle is an early ‘S’ type moulded with acanthus leaves along along length, with a kick-up lower spur terminal. The lid is pierced and has a flower finial (knop). The spout has a simple hand-pierced seven hole strainer. The creamware body is a fairly deep cream colour with a slightly green tinged clear lead glaze. There is also a stray dot of purple manganese under the glaze on the lid (suggesting the manufacturer was also producing tortoishell or Whieldon wares at the same time as plain creamware).
No match was found in the major works on British teapots and it is therefore likely to be a rare form. Probably made in Staffordshire.
Pot ID: AP/1564
Dimensions: 92 mm high to top of finial.
Net Weight (grams): 179
Date: c.1765-1785
Condition Report:
The lid has a piece of rim missing, plus a small chip and numerous fleabites around the rim. The body has a small chip (partly filled) on inside rim. The handle has glaze chipping and wear on thumb spur tip, plus along edge on one side. The very end of spout has in the distant past been chipped and then ground flat to allow continued use. There are some tiny nibbles under foot ring. Crazing is stained in places on the inside only.